Additional Recommendations for Best Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Results
"I'm relieved to not need the same doses of bioidentical hormones I initially did thanks to adopting a healthier lifestyle and utilizing stress relief practices." – Matt Davis
Beyond the tailored hormone protocol itself, making certain lifestyle adjustments can enhance results and long-term outcomes. Here are some top recommendations:
Nutrition – Emphasize whole foods – organic produce, grass fed meats, wild caught seafood, nuts/seeds, antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables. Reduce inflammation provoking refined grains and sugars. Stay well hydrated with purified water.
Exercise – Incorporate both resistance/strength training to build calorie burning muscle and low-intensity steadily paced aerobic activity to improve heart health. Even light walking daily provides benefit.
Sleep – Prioritize 7-9 hours per night by establishing a consistent bedtime routine. Keep the bedroom cool, dark and digital distraction free.
Stress Relief – Make time for socially connecting, fun leisure activities, sufficient relaxation and practices like meditation, yoga or nature immersion that activate the parasympathetic nervous system.
Hormone Protective Supplements – Certain botanicals and nutrients can help mitigate excess estrogen, improve hormone breakdown and provide building blocks for optimized production. These include calcium d-glucarate, DIM, zinc and magnesium to start.
Supporting your body's innate healing capacity through nurturing lifestyle strategies magnifies the power of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for feeling your best at any age.
"Combining professional bioidentical hormone guidance with my own common-sense healthy habits has allowed me to truly thrive later in life." – Wendy Miller
Debunking Myths and Misconceptions About Bioidentical Hormones
Despite proven safety and efficacy of bioidentical hormone replacement when properly administered, common myths and misconceptions still abound thanks to outdated information and fear mongering influencing public perception.
Here is clarity around some of the most prevalent misunderstandings including real facts from scientific research:
Table: Debunking Myths Around Bioidentical Hormone Therapy
Myth/Misconception |
Reality |
Bioidentical Hormones are Completely Untested or Experimental |
- In truth, bioidentical estradiol and progesterone have been rigorously studied for over 8 decades confirming both short and long-term safety along with widespread benefits when dosed correctly.
- The FDA has approved various bioidentical hormone preparations and oversees their quality manufacturing.
- Over 40,000 research articles on bioidentical hormones demonstrate efficacy for relieving symptoms, protecting health and enhancing quality of life.
|Taking Any Hormones Increases Cancer Risk|
- For females, bioidentical estriol (weaker estrogen form) and progesterone have anticancer effects unlike synthetic progestins.
- Optimizing testosterone in males has been found protective against prostate and other cancers.
- Dosage, delivery method and ratio balancing with other hormones are key considerations for safety.
|Bioidentical Hormones Have Negative Heart Effects|
- Studies reveal bioidentical estradiol NOT associated with blood clots or stroke thanks to fewer inflammatory and clot promoting effects.
- Testosterone favorably lowers LDL, triglycerides and increases HDL when delivered properly.
- Correcting thyroid hormone deficits can resolve high cholesterol nonresponsive to other interventions.
|Optimal Hormone Levels Can't Be Maintained Long-Term|
- Through periodic monitoring and dosage titration as needed, studies have shown consistent benefits beyond 15 years without adverse effects or tolerance developing.
- Lifestyle optimization complements hormone therapy allowing improved symptom relief with lower doses over time.
|Compounded Bioidenticals Aren't Reliable|
- High quality compounding pharmacies adhere to stringent regulations ensuring consistent potency and purity.
- FDA sets minimum Good Manufacturing Practice standards for quality control.
- Failing to appropriately test and adjust dosing causes more variability than the compound itself when guidelines are followed.
|Synthetic Hormone Equivalents Are Preferable|
- Synthetic hormones differ in chemical structure so don't properly bind receptors or fit metabolic pathways leading to heightened side effects.
- For example, synthetic progestins in birth control increase breast cancer and clots unlike bio-progesterone.
The abundance of research evidence combined with physicians' vast clinical experience treating tens of thousands of patients with properly dosed bioidentical hormones confirms both short and long-term safety along with lifechanging symptomatic relief.
"I wish I hadn't wasted years feeling miserable before finally learning the truth that balanced bio